Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Health Education Council Wants You to Rethink Your Drink!

Health Education Council (HEC), a nonprofit organization committed to eliminating preventable causes of death resulting from the use of tobacco, poor nutrition, and lack of physical activity, has launched a "Rethink Your Drink" campaign to encourage people to drink water and other healthy drinks instead of sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks. According to HEC, "[s]ugary drinks are the single largest contributor to added sugars in our diets, accounting for 22 percent of the empty calories consumed by children and teens."

To raise awareness of this issue, HEC is asking people to take the "Rethink Your Drink" pledge to drink water instead of sugary drinks for the next 30 days. They are hoping to collect 8,000 signatures by September 1st. Anyone signing the pledge will receive e-mails containing healthy beverage tips, recipes, and information to help keep them motivated. Anyone signing the pledge by August 31st will also be entered in a drawing for a $250 AMEX gift card.

So, what's the downside of cutting back on your soda intake and drinking water instead for the next 30 days? I can't think of one, and I'll bet you can't either. You can sign the "Rethink Your Drink" pledge by following this link: Who knows? You may feel so much better by the end of the 30 days that you'll decide to keep the pledge going for another 30!

More information about Health Education Council is available at

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